We are the champions
The Tiger Woods Foundation has been recognized for its efforts to break the cycle of poverty and extend education opportunities nationwide by winning the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation’s Steve Patterson Award for Excellence in Sports Philanthropy. Jays Care Foundation and Harlem RBI also received the prestigious award in separate categories.
President and CEO Rick Singer attended the award ceremony Thursday, Sept. 18, in Princeton, New Jersey, to accept the award on behalf of the foundation.
“We plan to use this award to spread the word about all the great work that’s being done by the foundation,” Singer said. “It’s an honor to receive the Steve Patterson Award, and it will help us continue to expand our reach and help more students face and tackle adversity for a better education.”
Vice President of Programs and Education Kathy Bihr also attended the award presentation and participated in the winner discussion panel. She spoke about the foundation’s work and answered questions about our partnership with UC Irvine to evaluate our learning center’s effectiveness.
Take a look inside the world of the Tiger Woods Foundation and witness how we are helping students break the cycle of poverty.