July 19, 2017

Unrelenting Champions Spotlight: Keon & Fatah


Earl Woods Scholars Keon & Fatah

At the Tiger Woods Foundation, we have the distinct honor of coming alongside incredibly bright and driven young people, and equipping them with the resources they need to achieve their definition of success. We call them our Unrelenting Champions. A fitting description because they tirelessly and relentlessly pursue their dreams, and achieve them. This month we feature two such champions and Earl Woods Scholars, Keon & Fatah.

Earl Woods Scholar Keon Lum


College: University of Rochester

Major: Biochemistry & English

Hometown: Washington, DC

“I can fail and get defeated, but I will always get back up until I succeed. I am UNBREAKABLE.”

Earl Woods Scholar Fatah AdanFATAH ADAN

College: Harvard University

Major: Computer Science

Hometown: Boston, MA

“My drive is matched by no one. I work to the best of my ability so I can succeed for me and my family. So my drive, dedication and resilience are UNPARALLELED.”


Redefining what it means to be a champion.