August 05, 2012

Tiger’s WGC-Bridgestone press conference: Sunday

Q: Nice playing out there. Just get some comments on your round and your week as a whole.

TIGER WOODS: Well, I played well today. I hit a lot of good shots and never really sniffed making a bogey all day. So that was a good day. You know, playing with Kuch today was a joke. Twenty putts on the today is not too bad, three chip-ins. It was amazing. I never saw the guy all day, and we had the same score. Good stuff.

Q: Pretty confident going into next week?

TIGER WOODS: I feel very good about where I’m at. I’m excited about it.

Q: Do you feel any better about your putting after the struggles the first two days?

TIGER WOODS: Yeah, I putted well the last two days, which was good. I made some putts. And more importantly, I hit the ball on my start lines, and that’s something I did not do the first couple days. I misread a couple, but that’s just the way it goes. But at least every putt was starting on the right line, and that’s something that I’m very excited about going into next week.

Q: Overall, too, it seemed like the way you hit the ball all week was pretty solid. I think today other than a couple of fringes, you only chipped once off a green. Would you just talk about how you feel about the long game going into next week?

TIGER WOODS: Yeah, my tee-to-green game today was I thought pretty dialed in. I hit it– I was hitting it long, I was hitting it straight, and my irons I was shaping both ways in all different trajectories with the wind blowing. That was about as absolute high a score as I could possibly shoot today.