August 22, 2013

Tiger’s The Barclays press conference: Thursday

Q: It definitely is a long day, seems like it always is at Barclays, what time did you get up and how long have you been at it and how tired are you?

TIGER WOODS: Yeah, I’m actually tired. I got up at 4:00 this morning, and I think it took us, from start to finish just under 11 hours for the day, long day. Saturday is going to be a really long day.

Tomorrow will be easy, probably get in maybe six or nine holes, somewhere in there but Saturday is going to be the really long one, we are going to get in probably 27-plus probably is what’s going to end up being, and then be fresh come Sunday.

Q: How did the course play after all the rain?

TIGER WOODS: You know, it got a little bit soft and we got a couple mud balls out there a little bit. But you could be so aggressive going into the greens, you didn’t have to worry about anything bouncing. A couple of those short irons you had to worry about maybe spinning the ball back too much, but looking at most of the scores, guys are being really aggressive and just making a bunch of birdies.

Q: How well did you play 14, 15, 16, right before the second delay, seemed like you were playing well.

TIGER WOODS: I was, I was playing really solid through there. I missed a little short one at the par5 and then birdied three in a row.

But it was nice to kind of get that kind of momentum but then we stopped and had a few-hour delay and then get back out there again.

Q: After the PGA, I know it’s obviously a letdown, no more Majors till next year, how do you get yourself back up to keep playing throughout the year, knowing that the traditional season has pretty much ended?

TIGER WOODS: We have these four Playoff events, I have Presidents Cup, I’ve got an overseas event and I have my event, so I’ve got plenty of golf to play. So it’s not that hard to get up for.

I’ll be traveling a lot, playing a lot, and you know, that’s usually what happens towards the end of the year. Most of the guys go overseas and play, whether they are supporting The European Tour or go down to Oz or to South Africa, most of the guys play around the world.

Q: So for December, really, middle of December and on is your shutdown time?

TIGER WOODS: Generally that’s what it is, yeah. I usually take maybe four, six, seven weeks, depends on the schedule through there.

Q: Given all the delays and everything today, are you happy with your score?

TIGER WOODS: I am. You know, I didn’t play the par 5s well today. I played them even par, and other than that, I played pretty solid today and I gave myself some looks; and the looks I did, I ended up making. If I can play the par 5s a little better, I would have been higher on the board.

Q: Any issues with the neck and back?

TIGER WOODS: The back was stiff going out on the third restart, but it is what it is; a three-hour delay, sitting down, and Montana says, “You’re up, we’re going to restart here in an hour.”

It was nice to have that kind of hour warmup, though. The first time we had to go back out, we had less than 30 minutes to get out there of and be in position, and that was a bit harder. But the second restart and my third tee-off, it was nice to have that long warmup.

Q: Worst-case scenario when you have to restart like that twice?

TIGER WOODS: It’s hard to time. Kuch and I were in the trailer together, and it’s, okay, when are we going, when are we not going. It’s hard to get the timing right, because you want to get the timing right so you get the treatment and you’re out there on the course.

But then again, you don’t want to get treated and sit down and have what you just worked on get all messed up again. So it’s trying to get the timing right and trying to communicate with our rules staff and see what’s going on.

Q: How did you pass the time? Find a good book or something?

TIGER WOODS: No, had a bunch of guys that I know and grew up with playing junior golf with, just hung out and ate a lot and just tried to keep the energy up. And as I said, talked to our rules staff and see what’s going on, because it’s basically every 30 minutes was the call, and just making sure that we were ready to go.

Q: Do you like your position?

TIGER WOODS: I’m only three back. I mean, we have a long way to go. As I said, for me, the Saturday is going to be the long day and some of the other guys tomorrow is going to be the long day.

Just got to go ahead and at least you know the full field is going to have at least one long day in there somewhere, so it’s balanced.

Q: Took almost 11 hours, how would you assess the day?

TIGER WOODS: We’re done. It was a long day, and tomorrow will be a short one, and then Saturday will be pretty much a marathon.

Q: What’s the hardest part with the stops, the starts, the delays, to be fresh and sharp when it is time to play?

TIGER WOODS: That’s the hard part. The first day, we didn’t really have that much time to get back out there. We had less than 30 minutes to warm up and ball in play. The third time we came out here and restarted, we had an hour, so that was nice to basically go through the whole warm up routine.

Q: How did this golf course play differently with the rain we had today as opposed to the scores we saw on Wednesday?

TIGER WOODS: Way different. It was definitely slower. A couple of us got a couple mud balls out there. The greens were way more receptive. You can be aggressive. You could basically just fire right at it and it was going to stick, and a couple of short irons, you had to watch out actually for spin, spinning the ball back down the slopes.